The Final Lap

It was a gloomy day in Pune, and it was made worse by the fact that I wasn't feeling well and had to, most probably, miss out on watching the last Formula 1 race of the 2021 season with my friends. We all had been talking about getting together to watch the race all week, …


I am not a fan of romance books, shows, movies and definitely not of romantic anime. But I found too many posts on my instagram about Horimiya for me to just leave it alone. Mostly because they gave no information about the anime. Let's just say I started watching it for Miyamura but ended up …

Vaccination diaries

Since the start of the pandemic the only thing anyone really wants are vaccines. And as everyone knows, getting a slot requires patience, commitment, sacrifice, tears and blessings from above. Like anyone else, I was looking for a slot along with my friend Daisy, who was so done with everything, and ready to throw hands …

Flying away

One major part of growing up involves a lot of goodbyes. And even though we might not like it, it's inevitable that the people you grew up with and hung out with all the time aren't going to be there someday. I had to go through one such goodbye. I promise it's not going to …


“How's the josh? High sir!” Has become the leading statement today, surpassing “Do you know who my father is?” which is quite an achievement. (For all those who haven't watched it yet, turn around... Get your wallets out... Book a ticket... And go watch it.) Yes I finally watched Uri and I have no words …

Jai Vyas Writes

Structured Chaos

The Silly Stove-top.

Recipes for when you have nothing else to do.

The lush read

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Rutvi's Reflections

Encouraging everyone to introspect and reflect with me.

Mysteries To My "Adult"

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